I keep seeing women who over the years haven't grasped the importance of posture and breathing
in good pelvic health. We all carry ourselves differently, and it can take alot of effort to break a lifelong habit.
Or it can be from soft furniture, car seats, slouching when seated etc..
At the same time, I have heard from and seen women who through attention to posture and breathing have
been empowered to stabilize and even reverse prolapse and incontinence. How we breath is strongly connected with
how we stand, sit, walk, run etc. A large percentage of women are found to be chest breathers, which is the result of
drawing the belly in, as we have been taught for decades. There is a symbiotic relationship between the breath and posture.
The rhythm of belly breathing supports posture, and posture supports natural belly breathing. I will be posting a blog in the next
few weeks, to reinforce and fine tune your posture in regard to your prolapse and incontinence. STAY TUNED!
If you have recently newly diagnosed prolapse or incontinence, and would like to avoid surgery by catching it early tune in.
Many decades ago, women were taught to tuck their bottoms and hold in their tummies. We are seeing the results of this now
with epidemic proportions of prolapse and incontinence.
By listening to our bodies, and reverting to our natural systems I believe we can inevitably return to our beautiful natural selves and way
of being.
We need to work with nature and not against her.