Thursday, 30 January 2014 14:11

New Service

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I have recently received Certification through Bellies Inc to offer their Core restoration program in helping Post-Partum women whether they are 8 weeks or 8 years post partum, Re-Train for the support strategies that have been lost through pregnancy, childbirth and life!

In the case of pregnant women, the process is ideally learned during pregnancy to help minimize dysfunction, and set up mom for a successful recovery particularly for the "pooch" or "mummy tummy" that won't go away no matter what you do!

The Focus often is on RE-TRAINING the "CORE 4" before you engage in a TRAINING program. The following is a list of some conditions that likely are a result of LOSS OF SYNERGY between the CORE 4: Diastasis Recti Abdominus - Tummy Pooch that won't go away Urinary Incontinence Pelvic Organ prolapse - with or without hysterectomy Dyspareunia - (painful intercourse) Pelvic girdle pain If you are pregnant, a Full Assessment is done during pregnancy and a re-assessment post-partum to detect any changes. If you are not pregnant, only an initial assessment will be performed. This Core Restoration Program works synergistically with the Pfilates program, not instead of. The Pfilates program takes over after the initial restoration. Ideally, the restoration of the Core 4 is used during the first 8 weeks post-partum as a gentle recovery, or if you have had your children previously, this will still be your period to RESTORE. These conditions are not specific to pregnancy, but are often more pronounced and therefore diagnosed during pregnancy. They are present in the general population and too often go undiagnosed or attributed to "Old Age" or "Childbirth" Inquiries through this website under "Contact"

Brenna is a (C-IAYT) Certified Yoga Therapist under the International Association of Yoga Therapists,a Certified ESMT Essential Somatics Movement Teacher,  a Certified Pelvic Floor Specialist including Pfilates Therapy, Certified Pre-Post Natal Consultant, Certified Trauma Sensitive Yoga Therapist, Meditation for Teens and Adults including I-Rest and Para Yoga Nidra and Mindful Meditation for Children and Teens, Restorative and Yin Yoga, and life coaching. She has been teaching for more than 15 years in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley areas. She does home visits as well as on Line Zoom sessions.IAYT CertifiedYogaTherapist Large Logo
IAYT CertifiedYogaTherapist Large Logo

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